

Alejandro H. Madrid is a highly skilled professional with a passion for capturing stunning visuals on film. With 10 years of experience in the industry, he has developed a reputation for pursuing aesthetic excellence in every project he works on.

Alejandro H. Madrid's journey began when he first discovered his love for film and the art of cinematography & design. he pursued his education in the field, attending ESCAC & UCAB, where he honed his skills and gained valuable experience.

Over the years, Alejandro H. Madrid has worked on a wide range of projects, from independent films to major commercial productions. he is known for his ability to work collaboratively with directors and other members of the production team to bring the director's vision to life.

What sets Alejandro H. Madrid apart is his commitment to achieving aesthetic excellence in every project. he has a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of light, color, and composition. he is always exploring new techniques and experimenting with different styles to create visually stunning images that enhance the storytelling.

He continues to push the boundaries of cinematography, always striving for new ways to achieve artistic excellence and bring the director's vision to life on the big screen.

Alejandro H. Madrid is specialize in high-speed and motion control shooting and is often at the forefront of pushing the boundaries of visual imagery in commercials. With his expertise in capturing fast-paced action and dynamic movements, is able to create stunning visuals that captivate audiences and elevate the storytelling.